30 May, 2009
5B or 5C or 5H?
'There were a lil conversation of my aunty with my mum'
Aunty : I would never lets my daughter married to NOT-SO-RICH ppl.
**See, i exaggerated the not-so-rich into 3syllables, you'll know how heavy these three words are?
After i heard it and I was like… I just couldn't catch my breath soon enough to responce to them *Sighed* That is right and I fully respect this Aunty because she truly cares her daughter future’s life.
Ps: Guess my mum would also have same view [For me, its just corny] if the case comes to my her daughters. I could understand. Really!
So i try to raise my eyebrows and honestly ask uols, what you expect from a guy since I seriously couldn't fathorm girl's interest... Was spinning with confusion!
5 C?
-Credit card
-Humor sense
Somehow, I’m sarcastic enough to say this, but
I only have Honest, Humor sense, Humble, Brain, Bounty. [F.stop]
How to fishing girl? lol... jUst demands to know whats in ur mind!
Is it enough for uols? Would you takes a discrimination toward a guy if they lack of those characteristics i listed above? Just dropping ur hints then...!!!
25 May, 2009
I'm back.
Finally, i accomplished my mission on viewing. The weather there simply loathes me, it's hot and i can feel my cerebrum was about to explode. And i seriously have no idea how paramecium could still stay such heat from the blazing sun. S***T.
Words could never let know what I've done and viewed over there. But pictures will do. I got myself a Cristiano Ronaldo's tees. I honestly like it, costed me ard rm69 only. It was an offer price.
I have to admit that JB and KL has plenty of nice club or pub. I visited atleast 6 pub and club within 3days, isn't this moment that i have been craving for? Yes, it is!. *gasp*
High class indeed. I have no any electrics shock with any girl although i brought myself there, guess wat, JUST for FUN only since i'm kind of clubber. Eyes was keep on scanning on those ppl..!
To be frank, majority of them were drive a nice to reach there. Rich ppl could easily found at there. Girls are basically beautiful and talented in makeup. *Sexiest* I have to say this. Or they like to make-up and dressed up nicely. Feel like from different timeline. I mean girls between kl and kuching. But Kuching have too la. *blinks*
Not forgetting to mention, Many Sissy in Sunway Lagoon. I got myself there with my friend Jac .I couldn't bring myself to hate them.Let put it this way,they were kinda friendly and polite as well so i shouldn't make it should as if they polluted our culture.. They were cool man *Ugh*
We went to Sw pyramid for ice-skating but no picture i could upload since we're not allowed to take photo inside d ice field. *Bastard*
And ya, apart of noticing that, one thing i should be raised up here is, human there was getting more or expand-ing non stop once the day come night. Like vampire who could only appear at night. I don't know why honestly. Its too extravagant if happens in kuching but it comes pretty normal at there. They all are inveterate compulsive nocturnal being by night. Couldn't fathom their interest. *evil laugh*.
And i was shocked when i walked by road, there were numberless of them [men] were kept on promoting or just Introducing their girls to me eloquently. Lifestyle is different between i would say..
This was an scenario when i walked by Kl's town...
Suck man: Hye guy[me], need a girl tonight? China, Vietnam, local?
I was blushing apparently but laughed jauntily also. I never know they could be such brave. They are so-called bapa ayam, right?
Enough say here, let pictures be my presenter.
------------------You could easily scanned a nice cars here and there---------------
==Took this as my last one since i'm leave there. Senai Airport, kl. I'm super happy and i should give a big thanks to my sister for bringing me to hang ard there. lol
18 May, 2009
Nothing but posting.
I had my happy hour with my friends, we were clubbing and there were many of us. Just got there to have fun and dance. I met couple coursemates of mine, Henry and Chris. There could be a nice place for you to relax and remove your stress.
Well, i have no picture to upload and i totally forgot to take some photo when i was there probably I'm just in way to happy and forget everything or there were full of head till you can't even walk properly. And my friend got drunk. Pitied her. Anyway, she was wide awake after she took some lemon. *evil laugh*
It was 2.30 am by the time i got home and my dad waited for me, just worried. But but, we were having a FATHER- TO- SON talk. Clever reader should know what i'm trying to link up. Lol. Thanks ya man anyway!
I'm sort of freer than before now. Watching, sleeping, eating and playing are my routines. Every morning started off with an early breakfast of bread and fresh milk. Bored!
Have you even woke urself up an hour earlier just to miss the person you miss a lot? *asked hesitantly * Is it stupid? Or fool? It can be utterly complicated at time and it depends on how we see it ourself. I totally puzzled because i didn't know what else i should do?
Somehow, I know there are variances between us.I seriously honestly realize that, some people say the worst way to miss someone is when they are not far from you and you know you can’t have them.
14 May, 2009
Finally it comes to the end..
It finally comes to the end of the finals and the whole semester of mine. Everyone did agree saying time swifts. Kinda fast that you don't even found out and in the end was like harlo… its already a semester. Exams are finally over and my brain requires adequate time out.
I expressed my greatest gratitude to some course mates of mine who holds up to me and taught me when i found my lesson difficult in way. Big Thank i say to Hsiang Ting, Berenice, Henry and Jason. Thanks uols frends..
My last paper is over just now and i was bit worried about my E-commerce. I seriously agreed that it was d most difficult paper i sat all this while. Disappointments flooded though me. Really. Gonna say goodbye to my 4flat. i Was trying to dislodge the bad feeling.
I'm happy now. I can lurch around in a daze now and I'm sort of freer than as exam is over. But I'm exhausted and badly need of fresh air. Guess what, I'm now looks terrible. Eyes bulged. Shocked!! But who care? My hols is starting today until June. And i'll utilize my hols to watch football match i think?
Somehow, i'm abit worried. Kinda.. and i honestly wishes that everything wil be okie…
ps: It'll better in time!
04 May, 2009
Didn't turn out as difficult as i thought
Making up a story now..
It was really suck and S**T. I'm sick. Halo... I've my finals and it is not yet comes to the end!! I'm having difficulty in sleeping after I woke up to take my med in midnight around 2 am if I'm not mistaken. Erm... It was 2 am! My brain is still okie now! My whole body was fucking HOT!! I decided to wake up and read my notes. Reproduction. Sitting on my bed aimlessly staring at the piles of notes. Somehow, my head was pain. My head was scattered all around in dizziness. Terrible fever.
Guess what, this all was contributed by d weather. The weather simply loathes me. It's HOT. Second time,i mentioned IT! I could feel that my cerebrum was about to explode. *damn it*
Fever alleviated a LIL BIT after taking Panadol. Didnt take my lunch.. and my dinner! Cant really eat.. Should know why!
Sore throat, fever and headache come simultaneously. It was the most hated combination and am really suffer as i sniffed and sniffed in front of my notes? How lucky am i? Fuck off!!! Thanks to my friend who asked me to drink 2 bottles of 1500 ml of water. Once of my craziest friend even ask me not go for exam next day! I'll kill you i tell you,teased me la. *lol* I'm getting better and my voice was back after a day vacation. Vacation? Sound funny?
Ya, I lose my sexiest voice last night that why i was so speechless.
Enough for it.
My paper HRM. i took this pictire without knowing by d examiner.. *blinks*
I just finished my first paper. Once i got my seat which was no. 75, straight away fill up my particulars on the question paper and answer booklet. I straight away flipped the questions when the chief invigilators kick off and it was like, not really difficult and can i say it's easy. Sound like i'm whiz-kid. I'm not la apparently. I'm quite stupid sometimes. Lol... It's pretty bad. I lost my two precious marks in my essay section,i've no idea with that 2 marks. *Jian*. It's more or less suit my style la. It didn't turn out as difficult as i thought it would be but just ok. Hope i could pass my Hr paper. *cross fingers* Duration for test was 3 hours and all i did was cracked up my head and staring at the lifeless HRM paper with my head generating answer for approximately 2 hours. So cold..... I'm sitting to the opposite of air-corn.
Time to stop. Next paper will be Macroeconomic on 11 May. It's d most difficult one. Zillon times than HRM paper. Its d time for me to swallow my notes and upgraded my memory in Macro as well.