See the picture above? yeah... i honestly like the landscape, feel so peace whenever i stare at the sky and sea.. I love BEACH !!
Well... Am able to relax myself, after all. My final was over and yeah, i dump myself in holiday mode now... I've been truly exhausted probably my restless weeks, used up too many energy, but no worries as i'm charging myself fully now before i start do my lesson again. Ahoho, i practically did nothing other than sleep, eat, read and whole bunch of NOTHING.. Urgh... Just done one book.. Oh, i took 3 months to finish reading a book.. How time consumed har..? hehe.. Nah, i'm not exaggerating.
Have plenty things to do throughout the semester, people keep saying how busy they were and all or so i've been told. Okie, i got what you guys mean. was bombarded lots of stuff. We're here to busy aren't we? Imagine of those busy-ness really kills my brain cells... better don't !
I HATE MY COLLEGE!!!!!! STUPID COLLEGE, never thinks of student's right.. It happens to be now i can't choose my major ANYMORE!!! *middle finger*
Oh ya... see, this is my new appearance of blog. Sigh, thats all i could make for my pity baby blog, i'm not talented in doing this. It took me 24 hours to repair my blog's face. I was just paint it with the light color and hopes the color could make my readers reading happily.. Hi mind you, color is an important element to cheer a person.. *raise eyebrows*
So random now, just typing as my heart tells. Lol.. ;-)
Relax? No way, there are many things come simultaneously and continuously.
FYI, i'm looking forward to step out from my staying area and walking out here, get more environment. Hehe..

p/s: There is an accusation of the small matter, that turns into a massive fight. Where is d trusty? I'm sick of it. It makes me taken back whenever i try to picture it.. awww, how bad it feels.