Time flies like an arrow.. Guess what? I'm graduating soon :)
I reckon something. God is fair! Yeah, he will gives you something but at the same time he won't give you another.
Yeah, i understand this since i was young just that i'm still .... (Whew, this is such a harsh way of starting things off) but why i used to be nobody or a puppet?
I'm always the one who dance Tango by my own. Hey, love is a connection game. :(
I am amazed when I listen to people, i'm really listen and look into it. Yet they're still complaining for the love life they're dealing with now. I'm pretty sure,or i should say I'M SURE they are so fuck off! The words they choose to interpret their life is simply teasing toward other (like me).
It is as though a plague has infested the human race, and I really have no idea where these thoughts have come from or how miserable life must be at times to think that way.
God don't present me LOADS of love, but instead, he gives me PLENTY of heart which could lead me to seek for LOADS MORE of love in future time, sooner or later.
We should live for ourself but not other. Wake up ...
I remember there is a person, hmm.. should be my secondary school teacher once told me,
''You'll deserve everything your heart desires just as others in the world does. If the thing is yours, it'll comes to you naturally.''
I tell you, it seems so oddball when someone tell you this. But it's way so TRUE.
Maybe i'm just a pastor of someone's life ; a character who use to cheer them up when they are down, a joker who makes them laugh when they are sad. I surrender with everything i have now. Nope, i'm not surrender but letting go.
I need to grow up and be mature. I'm 20.
I believe that, GOD is always fair, do give me strength, to ride through the darkest moment and get rid off that person from my messy mind. Tqq...