If you are not able to zero down what has created unnecessary havoc in your life, relationship or business, then you might be forgetting a dreaded word called "Misunderstanding"
Seriously I hate being misunderstood and try to not let it occurs in my life time.
I hate it, it may create unnecessary problems.
I had one recently, a great misunderstood that nearly drag my friendship to heaven. Hmmm… I have no idea how to start with the story but I could vividly remember how I started to drop down some readable comment until it got catch and here we goes MISUNDERSTANDING happened. I had tried my best to confess and explained what I have written was not the actual mean, frankly to say, I don’t think I made any mistake.
Oh, to tell you, me myself don’t even know what was going on at that moment. But I have to swear that ‘ WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN WAS NOT WHAT I FEEL INSIDE ABOUT YOU’.
It was just a misunderstanding; the fault party should be the one who started with the status posting, and I don’t even know he was referring his status to one of my friend. Shit, I’m busybody as well!
A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding. Now I can clearly know this quote, by Bob Dylan.
I have to say, I did nothing wrong at all.
Only god knows my feeling as I wrote the words and it could not reflect what I think of you that were too superficially.
I have to conclude that the other person (I mean the one who started that BULLSHIT status) is indeed at fault. I understand that, the decision with the other person is the best thing to do because there might be the reasons and situations why the other person did what was done and listening to them will not be of any harm and rather be therapeutic for everyone involved.
How I wish, how I wish, the whole drill of the painful stories results in the better and improved relationship and understanding with some bonus of future learning of do's and don'ts. And all is well, when the end is well.
I’ve been burying myself to think of this issue. I am puzzled, because the one who t thinks should understand me well just does not act like the way I think. Sigh..