Hey my bloggie hey my blogger and hey my silent readers (if there is anyone). I’m to be blamed for not posting any entry. Yes, I should be! I’ve gotten myself too busy during my internship period which started on three months before and it was my last day one day before Raya. I’m settling down everything now waiting for my new semester.
I did discarded lot of entertainments as I was really tired when I get home from work (So I’ve been a good boy for the three months)
How about your life? Is everything fun? There’re more story but for this moment I’ll be skimping or just skipping as some are too privacy to be listed here, it’ll be in my private blog.
I have a thought; it comes to me in sudden as i listen to Bruno Mars, makes me log in my blog and typing all these.
How do you define P.E.R.F.E.C.T? Is it if everything you want in life comes to you one by one or you have zero mistakes made in life?
How about IMPERFECT? It's all about SUCKS, WORSE or WEAK?
Tell me now, do you ever imaging of your future lover? I mean, before you meet them or ultimately bump in love. I guess the expectation is always beyond your limit! Hahaha..
A girl expects her future boy friend to be rich like Tom Cruise, tall, fair like Robert Partison and smile like Beckham or cute as Justin.
Hey don’t laugh, I guess it’s so true in life. It isn’t a sin through even I did it in life.
But what if the one turns out isn’t totally fulfil your desires, but ended up you guys are IN LOVE?
Believe me, love is blind. It doesn’t blind your heart but eyes. Once you’ve fallen to someone, he/she will be superb perfect for you even though your friends might be like ‘ Hey, is that guy/girl your taste?’
Come on. Let your heart rules your feeling. I used to be a right at front when it comes to encouraging people to go for what they want in life. I’m a believer that if you don’t aim high, you’ll get zero but it doesn’t apply in love. Love is all about give and take, it isn’t a game when you hit more you’ll get higher points. It’s all about perfect imperfection. People might say your lover is not perfect but your heart will defences and say, NO, he/she is just fine in my eyes. You get the power of love?
We might probably hide our scars, wrinkles but our imperfection can’t be hided. Noted it and accept it.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out. Don't be shamed of your lover imperfection but be thanked, God makes no perfect :)
And last,
Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements because love keeps you alive and look younger.
*Enjoy the music while reading! Thanks for visiting, i do love and i still love :)