A hot blazing day was spent in my bed room. Slept until a dinner time from afternoon.. Kinda devastated isn't it? *gasp* I've to admit that.
27th(yesterday),i was totally pathetic. was not being emotional but ya, i can't help Elyn to do well in her assignment because she passed up d assignment dy by the time i told her that i checked and modified for her's and asked her to use d newer copy to submit... Wasn't satisfied so i flipped the newspaper angrily and frustratingly! Haiz.. Hope she can really get a good result tho. blablala..
Get rid of it and come on... should happy bit since its hols...
For me,blog is an alternative medium to show my feeling as well and now,i should let know d thgs below...
Truly Ask Yourself....
- -You're always smiling to yourself when you think about her/him *Imaging something such you’re holding her/his hand*?
- -When you look at she/he, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her. Aren’t you?
- -You start listening to slow songs or d songs that would remind you of her/him while thinking about her/him..? *memorized d lyric somemore*
- -Applying her/his photo as your laptop/desktop/cell phone’s wallpaper secretly and always peep/looking at your screen frequently?
- -You cell phone will always full of her/his messages ONLY and you read their Texts and msgs Over and over again..? *smiles again while reading*
- -You get so jealous when someone comments them saying they are cute or beautiful..?
- -You'll feel shy whenever you're with him/her and you blush when u hears their name..?
- -Always wants to know everything that related to her/him and trying best to grab any opportunities that could chat with her/him..?
- -If she/he happy, you too and oppositely you’re down once you know she/he is sad, right?
Do uols have any signs that I mentioned above now in your currently life by the time u're reading ..? What is that all actually means by?I OWNED d all from above list. How..?

obviously the answer is yes! u are deeply in love with someone if u experience the above list! love is blind and its sometimes blur, we cant see things clearly but can only feel it in the core of our heart...^^
Niss: Feel like I've been tie up and disembodied! Shouldn't disguise,pretender is not d real me!
gazy gazy... always contemplating about love. in my point of view aka ranger's point of view, you should just profess your feelings for her. don't let yourself drown in confusion. all the best. =)
So i should change my topic in d coming entry,should i...?
Hye.. how're you now..? Getting better dy? Go for check up yet?
i didn't mean that. it's your blog so everything is up to you. =) yea. so much better dy. didn't go to clinic though. hahahaha...
Okie...But i want my reader feel comfortable when they're reading.. Lazy one. Rather slept instead of visiting Doctor.lol. Funny one...
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