Oh yeah, one of my friend threw me a question last week. He found out that i'm so mysterious guy who make him felt like i've looked myself in my own.. Am i? Maybe he was right... Think of it, first impression of me to my friends are, laugh non-stop guy and talkactive right? But, here is a question to be answered. Am i talking all the way including d stuff hiden deeply inside me? No, i guess definitely. I'm a pretentious guy. I have tons of friends who used to talk, laugh and jokes but its about our life-stuff not MY life stuff. I'm sorry if i did created any delusive to uols that i'm so outie. Ya, i'm friendly if u're friendly as well. I'm open whenever i am with my friends but no matter how open was it, it has a line!!!!
I've too much rubbish around me. I dislike my relatives, i hate them. I feels tiresome toward some of my friends. I need to wear mask whenever we have a so-called Big family reunion dinner for the sake of pretend myself, protect myself. Their tartness would really make u feel uncomfortable. Not all but majority of them. Wistful !! And ya, i ever think before why i am not a STRAIGHT A's student so that they could shut-up forever or tongue-tied for awhile atleast to let my parents feels better. In fact, i'm not. Sigh.
FRIEND, on the other hand can push and pull you up and down, so be careful when you choose one. I don't have intention to blame anyone, but frankly my feelings and they way i treats them will change by the way they treated me. I've my own mini life so please don't step into or emerge in my life and raving inside a circle of mine, thats enough. Somehow, you're gone beyond mine for today and i'm still, acts like normal. BUT, dont try my patience. It has limits.
Again, to those cynics, You'll pay for it whatever you have said. I'm still spry enough now who knows one day i would success so don't be so astounded with the fact by that time i really am. So, before you die, STOP RUBBISHY. I hate upbraid. I'm tends to be more peaceful and silence. Shemozzle isn't my hobby.

I hopes i'm a hedonist one day in future life, i crave for it.
huh gazy! sori, lolly dah lama x masuk page nih, tak sempat dear. huhu. sehat? how ur stady?
Haiz.. Its okie. We both busy for our own stuff. I'm so fine. Finished my studying week dy. U..?
"FRIEND, on the other hand can push and pull you up and down, so be careful when you choose one"
...i learned my mistake bro. thanks for remind me.
Ya Ejay, what mistake hae you encounted before?
when u've betrayed by a friend u trust the most... it's hurt bro.
So, u've learnt alots wasn't it? Ya,it might hurt but dont wearing colours spec toward everyone =) Okie..?
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