Hi.. I’m back to this atmosphere again to pen down my words- translating them into readable sentences. Was so busy lately… busying with my college works like hell man, it was really a silent killer. Aiks, too serious la !! anyway, I’m able to breathe away now. At least, I stop for awhile to blog something here.
Yap, my birthday was pretty nice and I’m officially 19 now. Maybe it still regards as young but maturity and responsibility should be built, to develop myself into a better boy. Thanks i say to my friends for celebrating my birthday and gifts, love ya. And, not to forget friends from friendster, facebook and tagged… Oops, how could I forgotten, my beloved readers here. Thanks for the wished. Haha...
This is my first year, where I’ve received my presents and gifts more than 15 items. Lol… Books, tees, shorts, food, case, stationary, shoes, toys, snoopies, belt, chocolate (my favorite) and perfume.See, it was great and the atmosphere was simply joyful and nice. *like*
Nothing from my parents, feel weird? It was okie for me, I never expects them to give me anything since I have their tenderness all this while, thats enough! My mom, talked to me,during my birthday night… hmmm, ya, I could still recall back what she had said to me vividly. Just had my mother-to-son talk with her. I was touched yet I still acted like nothing happened. My parents didn’t buy me anything as once I told them I wanted to have a new cell phone or I craved for a new watch… It doesn’t affect me at all because I clearly know myself, it was only my jokes that simply came out myself.
They cooked the meal I love the most, I know it was already my gift they tried to give me and I have to accept the fact- we are not from rich background.
Mom, don’t worry, I would never ask for a luxury life like other did because, I have my consideration and I’m no longer a kid. I have my own life criteria that guide myself, it as if a mirror, to reflect the real me front of me, to differentiate with another kid. I don’t ask much but caring me until the end of day.
God treats me well enough...
You both give me life, and I appreciate it.This Love will carry me through all the hardship’s that life has to offer. It is a love that is freely given and never taken back. It is a part of urs that has given me your looks, that somewhat awkward smile, the essence of life itself... I try my best to make my parents feel loved, although I’m not always sign letters to them withmy love but deep inside, I do really love just that the trend makes me feel so weird if I say ‘ I love you’ to them. Haha…
Yes, I have to admit that i got into a heated argument with my parents, and it resulted in them saying that they wish they never had us. I was kinda mad in a way but once I think the issue in return, they will be the one who hurts the most as they guiding us like baby until now and yet, we are still like BABY, never acts like the better one. They were both failing as a parent, they are investing in me their very best, and sure I had no doubt that they truly care of me.
p/s: Anyhow, my wishes still not come true yet or it'll never come =((
Hi there all my readers... I'll turns 19 officially by tomorrow, its an additional. I wish myself happy birthday in advance... I used to have plenty of hopes and wishes in previous. I'm greedy in craving, can't help tho. But i cant seem to give much to myself this year... or i just afraid of lost... High expectations always taste awful in the end. Anyway, I'll be more responsible to myself and to be a better man... for myself, for my family, for my friend, for my future and you....
Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love, i know what it feels-to be frank, its really a silent killer that separate your mind and your body itself.. Beyond your control, everything popping out here and there never rest even when we are asleep, you know why? Urgh, they will always come to your dreamland, think too much!! Sigh, I'm just wonder.. wonder why i don't have these all feeling during my first relationship? Is it means i was not really in love with my first or it was a puppy love... The whole world seems depopulated, when someone is missing. Isn't a sin for making people miss a you such deep, there are no true and false but the degree of love you invest in your love will do.
I like you from the first day I saw your beutiful eyes. I admire you from the second time i saw your blissful smiles. I miss you from the third week we shaked hand and so-called held. I think of you from the fith time you sat besides me. And now, I love you from the first time you made my heart beat so fast and made me blushing...
I couldn’t let know; how many love i give to you, how damn am i missing you, how deep is my feeling toward you,how big is my heart for you, how much is my tenderness i post to you,
but I'll be the one who will never move away from your sight, as long as I'm still have the will to do so... You can easily found me whenever you're not doing well..