Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love, i know what it feels-to be frank, its really a silent killer that separate your mind and your body itself.. Beyond your control, everything popping out here and there never rest even when we are asleep, you know why? Urgh, they will always come to your dreamland, think too much!! Sigh, I'm just wonder.. wonder why i don't have these all feeling during my first relationship? Is it means i was not really in love with my first or it was a puppy love... The whole world seems depopulated, when someone is missing. Isn't a sin for making people miss a you such deep, there are no true and false but the degree of love you invest in your love will do.
I like you from the first day I saw your beutiful eyes.
I admire you from the second time i saw your blissful smiles.
I miss you from the third week we shaked hand and so-called held.
I think of you from the fith time you sat besides me.
And now,
I love you from the first time you made my heart beat so fast and made me blushing...
I couldn’t let know;
how many love i give to you,
how damn am i missing you,
how deep is my feeling toward you, how big is my heart for you,
how much is my tenderness i post to you,
but I'll be the one who will never move away from your sight,
as long as I'm still have the will to do so...
You can easily found me whenever you're not doing well..

it has been a long time since i comment on your page =)
looks like someone has fallen in love! good on ya mate =p
nice sweet words. =) that girl is really lucky to have you. keep it up my friend. happy for you. whee~~ =)
oh my.. so sweet.. huhu
lucky girl she is
Afif: Bro, ya. and thx for drop by here.. the same one bro !
Winnie: Sweet har? Then I'm so surprise to hear that from you.. and winnie, hope you're still doing well..
DakLengai : You're new right? Lol.. thx for drop by... nice to hear you here..
why surprised? lol. don't be surprised. and what makes you think that i'm not doing well? i'm alright here don't worry.. everything will be fine remember? =)
Winnie: I dont know but sometime just feels like concern you more. And,ya like you said everything will be fine.. i remember, hope you doing fine and smile more, u looks beautiful when smiling.. haha
woah... gazy falling in love again!
i'm happy for you...
we should celebrate bro!
love is in the air~~
hurrah for Gazy !
I am really-really happy for you boy. terima kasih Tuhan, kerana kwn sy bsenang hati skrg :) bagus bagus.
yea I am even happier from ysterday Gazy :)
hapy for myself its Friday,I just finished my hectic Friday and I am even happier f you...oh, whats with the big smiles there Gazy? hihihi. oh Love ! see what u done to my boy.
Ejay: Fall in love?? Yaya, to the same person =)
Ty: Hi shining girl.... ya, happy for urself is the happiest thing i heard today... Wishing you luck in implementing your life but my nightmare is gonna start.. tutorials, midterm.. presentations... group discussion and final....haha
ohh..please dun start there Gazy..
its killing my back already.
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