Nah.. it a new year, a new brand but then, for me it is just an ordinary day next to d previous day. Well, people might countdown crazily during so does me.. hehe... was being crazy frog hatin d so-called big day.. I don't have any high hopes for my new year, am just set an expectation... I tend to be more random.. hopefully, d more we crave and once we fail to make it, hurts so much ya frankly i said. My 2009's wishes.. Major part of it have been accomplished and i was happy..*paid off* as i could achieved some that really draw me smile, but there are always a contrast.. Some wishes are still remain as a wish.. means i failed to hit it.... *stop swell on it*
Hehe.. i still wish la anyway.
I wish i could behave myself than before and be a healthy boy.. self-regard person, keep making my results with a flying colour *my parent will feel proud* , be a top student and longed everything run smoothly -at least, my family.... my friends... 2009 wasn't bad. Yeah, true la. It hasn't drag me to hell, just half-hell... LMAO
Anyway, some stupid are just simply entered my life in d past and mostly messed up my life but, i managed to kick them out.. Thx god. I'd rather save energy than waste them by talking to those who imbeciles .. cacat, understand??? Sometimes we're just saddened by people's attitude shown.. pissed me off !! So in plain english, they are stupid people.. it was silly and morbid to entertain such ridiculous humans.
Meanwhile, there is a thing whereby keep giving delusive to me.. By the time i realised that i need it so much, the thing just gone away..unable to round on with it.. Okie, maybe it was a beautiful butterfly of my life..
New yeat, as if a new day.. we still wake up and shower and tidy our bed and doing routines.. Nothing much change.. Take it as a normal day... it is my respective view of a day..
For very sure, my life is quite full of happiness now and what the light there was seemed to be radiating from someone who happens to be so important in my life.. Thanks....
Nothing gonna change, I'm still me. Just that, my obligations add in and backpack of mine getting heavier =)

happy new year!
happy new year bro...!
sedey la tak dpt jumpa hari tu... :(
where's the gift? haha
[z@ck] : Same goes to you =) hehe..
Ejay: tu la pasalnya... hehe =( Promise is broken laaa.... gift is still in my luggage..haha. where is mine? hehe.. nak claim dah ni..
yay! new year. time to change...and be more happy :)
Nuyui: Ya, be a happier guy... same goes to u.. act our age.. heheh
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