The longest relationship i have accomplished was one year. I guess so. I loved this girl almost nine years. No further detail here, am not love story telling now. Surely, for the past few years it hasn't been easy to me. (randomness)
We burying our self in many many works whenever we're sad, still it cannot distract us sometimes. Anyway, a couple of days later, and it was still playing on my mind. I've been really patient with this when the subject is brought up and i try to be comforting reminding myself to not fool myself again. I'm the decision maker,whether to forget or not but the thing seems like to hang around and hit you back when you're doing alone. Sigh!
Somehow, i found out there is a contradiction here when one wise person once said,
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
**Funny right?? So forget or remember? How to respond??
One of my friend asked me through facebook, how was i get rid from my broken relationship. Its been half year ago and now i have the answer for her.
'' Once you've fallen in a new relationship or when you sense a feeling of love, you'll forget your ex. I cant promise it'll clearly remove from your life,cuz they're the person who had created memories with you either sweet- or bad but still, its a memory. We could never erase our mindset.''
And now, which left me with little way of distractions, I've forgotten my X relationship.
Forgetting the pass and now I've new life.
I need love.. I'm demanding love i need someone who take care of me or i can take care of. And i found one who is potentially...We always get things out into the open and discuss them.
I realize everyone has history, and it should stay in the past where it belongs, but sometimes when it pops into my mind briefly, its hard to get rid of the thought. I know that it may be because its still quite fresh in my mind, as its only a few weeks ago that I was told all this, and I've noticed that it is fading away gradually, but I just want to help it along the way and put it aside.
I like the words in this song, melts heart.
''If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star''
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go
(Chorus 1)
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you
(Chorus 2)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
(Chorus 3)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you
If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too

Hi Gazy (^^,)
Anyone of you who's ever gone through a miserable break up leads to broken hearted, well.. just put a sweet decent broad happy smile with you. Yeah, like what you do now Gazy. Oh so sweet (^^,)wink*
What is the best way to heal your broken heart?? I've once asked the same question to myself pleading an accurate answer to deal with the pain.. Oucchh.. as severed tissues, shocked by the surgeon's knife, ouchhh. Bleeding... so pain.
The pain of break up can be deep down excruciating!! Oh sakitnya..
Be strong Gazy!! As what you are now.. (^^,)
I like your entry. Thumbs up!!
In this present--I have come much to a person who didn’t really like her past.
my past is not a-really-happy-fortunate memories, but yet memorable.
and to think bout the past again, oh god I dun wanna be me.seriously.
but some how I accept those memories humbly.
yes Gazy I agreed with you. we cud not just erased it all. we have bin going thru it all & its make part of what of u becoming today.
but one thing I am sure, we can really let this go, by accepting it then only this u can forgetting it.
and a better way to frame this misfortunate event, it is looking at life as an opportunity to learn and grow.or may be I just love myself much, I dun wanna be terrible person after all had happened. I moaned and I cried but I know I will move on.
and back to your story Gazy, I'm sorry for you. and perhaps time after time, you will find & learn the wisdom behind your unsuccessful relationshp.
I wont use word broken. broken is like u can't never fix, or mend it. and who’s knw in future Gazy, if u give it a shot may be it will be a successful one?
ouh Gazy. frankly, I dun really fond with this wise-sayings on
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".
and in where I studies, I learn to interpret words in statute & put it in the best intention.
bcause if its true, my past will condemned to repeat it, oh god ! Jerit: saya tidak mahu !
may be “cannot remember the past” is to be rightly interpret as
“cannot remember the lesson u get from the past”.
So it will be “those who cannot remember (the lesson u get from the) past are condemned to repeat it”.
yes. more likely to be that.. now it makes senses, when my English teacher says, Read between the lines. yeah u cannot read every thing literally.
Any ho, its true sis. we love your writing, arent we? hi sis Farhah. he he jupa kamu sini ya?
happy day ahead Gazy !
Farah: Thx my girl.. i know u'll always there reading my post and giving me a support. I'm really appreciate your words, ur suggestion or ur frame of mind. Thx gurl... and i'll be a better man....
Ty: Again.. ur here reading my post and share me ur life. yes,“cannot remember the past” is to be rightly interpret as“cannot remember the lesson u get from the past”. I agree. So, i have new life with new hopes........... THX..
my bro,
u should forget ur past that stop u from moving on with ur life today... got it?
Ejay: Bro... sometimes im confuse you know? Sigh... i'm trying to restart my life!
yea, bagus Gazy :D
some times, if my lappy get stucked, or hanged f. overheated,
i would just re-start it. and
happy 50th posting to you Gazy :)
Huh....? Ur lappy is ageing dy?
Haha.. restart restart!!
i like dis song damn much~
h r u gazy? hv a great day oke? jgn sedey2 dear:P:P
You like this song?
I'm now so addicted to this song...
Im fine... u?
Busy with ur uni?
Luck yea girll....
i've got same experience wif you anyway.its almost 10 years..waitin for her..but still got no any great ans came out.heh..tired being loyal??
anyway..none of it..is easy guys..~
Firus: Thx for dropping yr words here bro... Yea, tired of being loyal. So no more now? Haha... Sorry to heard that yr had it but atleast now ur better right?
ten years?? aint u get tired waiting??
tunggu bas pun get me feeling old and wrinkles. i just wanna poke my eyes. and yea, dun get me started with my lappy. harharhar he's ageing too.
dun get me wrong. i adore guys who are being loyal. tp 10 thn, ber baloi kah yang kita kejar? i dunno knw..
Ty: Maybe it was really worth for him to do all sort of thing, a silly action and foolish one. It never comes to duration of time's issue when there is an existence of true love in the relationship =) We could never let thing go easily! We became stubborn while love was fading away silently.. i salute him and his loyalty...
yea my bus story is really different story. i do believe "patient is gold". i wish you the best Firus. i wish you the best too Gazy :)
Yea... thanks for everything girl.. guess Firus will say thx as well...
Ty-yeah ageing..being an ape-man..not ip man..hehe..well im still 20's..:p
gazy-loyal just when we'r married sumone...?boleh kah kalau macam tue..he.better?yeah always..hehe.
yeah tanx to both of you..its really miracously to know ya here..haha.more patient more gold??hehe..:P
Firus: Yes, i'm glad Ty entered my blog page and she really work out everything and a good reader... so does you. We'll be a good companion in blog world here..
I hear you haha :)
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