I'm here again to post my daynews. Should i say HI? Aiks, apparently.
It's been quite awhile i didn't write any news here. Not that I've nothing to say but I've limited time and I've no intend to post. I hate cracking my head to blog while my mind is not on my desk. Its pretty bad to force myself. What a life? Interesting eh? LOL. See, so fake!!!
Everyday, all the way fills by hectic and exhaustion. Hmm.. shouldn't sounds it as if I'm the only one burying in work all the time, perhaps somebody outside even worst than me. And now I'm typing here is following what my mind can catch up so it'll be quite random and themeless.
I'm so bad temper nowadays and easily frustrated. I've no idea why. Easy to get mad, thinks I'm crazy. Mind is somehow at six and sevens. Sigh, what medicine should i takes to get rid all of these pandemic of mine? I straight off to bed after class and sleep like there're no tomorrow these few days. I'm just feels so tired. Sometime i throws question to myself as why i just insisted to sleep earlier everyday so that i can be sooo energetic in the next day, my head is still generating the answer. I stays up late frequently-almost everyday, I just cant sleep.
Everyday seems a typical for me. Doing the same thing in the same time- perhaps things get done by the EXACTLY same timing. Guess what? Boring life it calls.
How am i supposes to formulate my schedule? I'm so busying with my family stuff, my college stuff and so on... Guess i had fully utilize me time in the pass days but it was not as nice as i thought especially these few days.
I'm so welcoming by Emo. I feels happy and enjoyed when i was with my friends, went for movies or ktv or dinning or gym recently but so suck my bad feels hit me back when I'm all alone. I used to smile everyday and jokes all i want but............ (stop). So sad to tell but its too true to be told. Paranoid swept over me again. I'm just feel that why i always flooded by these kind of stuff. I was trying to dislodge all my fucking stuff in my head- a feeling of suspicion. But HOW? I mused but tongue-tied again. Trying to picture out what have happened recently- and Omgosh, it was a lot man. But its better to keep all inside. Everything of it can be a HEADLINE. You wouldn't gear how crazy it sounded right-?
Also I'm not feeling well since Friday but i lazy to tell-or nothing to catch up much. Just my own business. People would never bother to know more about it.
I want to hid everything because they are not proud to let know and i have no intend to do so. Mean. Please... is there anyone out there able to etch my mind? I'll pay you if you really do it for me =)

College works isn't that tough as i thought or maybe I've been trained before how to respond with different scenarios. Anyhow, things happened beyond my control limit as well, so sad right? What can i do further? Moan lo.
Assignments are in my hand now, I'm starting dump myself in assignment mood since last week. I wants all the things get done before the date. I hate last minute ald. I know it'll never generates any quality work. Its undoubtedly inevitable guys.
I craves for a nice trip probably only myself, be a backpacking just for a week time and travel around within peninsular(cheaper ma). Perhaps after my exam.. I really need it as I'm so boring in a way staying here... Fucking Boring =FORING.
As I'm typing now, my body has hints me that I'm on the periphery to get sick. I just know. I keep on drinking water.... I don't wanna get sickness now.
Also, i really miss my someone. Please don't ask who is the one. It'll always remains as a secret. I smile when i got their texts. But i don't smiles much these two weeks. I've run out of idea to entertain myself, to draw a smile face at my face. My mind is vague.

p/s: miss you =)
hey gazy. miss siapakah?
mendalam maksudnya tu:):):)
i mishh yuuu too.kah3
miss you la for not dropping by...
so deep ka? Sigh....
wei...bukan miss me meh..lol..
Dun let it be secret la, I dont mind de...haha...
Sannie: Miss you so bad..
Finish ur exam dy?
u sick and nobody care? says who?
agreed.. what u need is a nice trip. and if u decide to backpack here in KL.. call me k!
stay cool.
Ejay: I'll plan myself a trip. Feels so lifeless these two weeks. Too many things keep on kicking in.. Feels so sorry toward myself...
And, thx yea bro for ur welcoming =)
Ya...finish dy..
sem break lu.....
One month on-leave again....? Sounds nice la...
we hate it or not, many things happened beyond our control limit.we learn not only bout education, but Endurance, as well. keep ur patience Gazy, I wish ur hard works well deserve.
a sweet Escape is just what u might really need :) recharge ur battery. yeah do come here, in KL. we wil ve a gud time here, all on bro. Ejay. yayy. me n my girls nk ikut juga wink^
Ty: Iya, who knows bloggers can be a good companion as well... Glad to know uols here,nvr meet but its real in blog world =)
If God is willing, we will meet, some time. some day gazy. Some day :)
Don't feel bad Gazy~
Keep your broad happy cheerful smile with you, for I know how it hurts (^^,)
Chill out man~!
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