First of all... i'm gonna give a BIG THANKS to my bro, Mr.Shari. A friend i made in blog's atmosphere. I received an award from him. Guess what,this's my second award from blogger and my first Award was from Eric. Thanks man,i'll motivate myself to improve my blog as well. Okie? Please do visit his blog, get it from my ''follower' column there. Nice blog indeed that have zillion comments frequently! Supportive la yea.. lol
Making Up A Stories.....
It was another typical Saturday for me,the weather was just fine with a slight sunshine 2gather with a minor drizzle to overcome d sucking hot atmos. It took more than miracles for me to wake up as early as 10 sumothing.. lol. Went out and had my brunch accompanied by my family. Off to cafe.
Finally, i accomplished my mission on posting photo that i took last night during d outing with my Ex-classmates. Ooops,its actually my best friend- Richard's birthday but it was like a re-union more than a party i would say. Enouh said,let d pictures do d talking la.

Had our dinner before we off to KTV and bar lounge. To tell you the truth,weols chatted from A to Z garrulously and laughed till burst in tears. You wont able to control your tears. Funny and Craziest them! Just kinda Click with them. Exhausting but when you have those people around you esp plp like friends,the journey turned out nice. *ohh!*
D gurls whom i had an outing with
We parked our big asses at Bar lounge after a KTV-section and ya,d craziest people were all inside and what else, enjoyed la man! Soory to say but ya,there're Zero pretty gurl over there,my friend told me. Is ZERO!Thats y, there're a feel so-called Electric Shock was not happen. Poor thg. *cheap*I went there for enjoy instead of fish-ing gurl,okie? I'll always loyal with d one i love currently ONLY!
D one wearing spec was d one born on yesterday, 19years before. Silly him. *gasp*
Photo taking was an alternative and easiest way to alleviate boredom since there're no any '' nice landscape'' that would peep. Lol. Should know what i'm trying to link up. Sik derr awek cun la.. *fainted*
Drank lots of beer and it finally 'contributed' me lil blur-ing and giddy, its distract me but managed to overpower it and sent my friends to their house safely and so does myself. *Omgsh* Went back approximately 1.30am after ''forced'' by my dad with a shortgun over my head because it wasn't a custmany for me to be back such ''early'' . Hahahaha!! Mum was waited for me last night (wasn't it considered as morning?),love ya mum! *cheers* Phone beeped and friends asked whether got home yet or not. *10s*
Why d lie is not here Kuching. Pissed off. My beloved idol [David Archuleta ]. He is in town as part of a tour to promote his self-titled debut album, which is making its way to Gold status in Malaysia. Love his voices and songs and style and his trademark smile..... His hit singles, Crush and A Little Too Not Over You are my Favourite man....

We parked our big asses at Bar lounge after a KTV-section and ya,d craziest people were all inside and what else, enjoyed la man! Soory to say but ya,there're Zero pretty gurl over there,my friend told me. Is ZERO!Thats y, there're a feel so-called Electric Shock was not happen. Poor thg. *cheap*I went there for enjoy instead of fish-ing gurl,okie? I'll always loyal with d one i love currently ONLY!

Photo taking was an alternative and easiest way to alleviate boredom since there're no any '' nice landscape'' that would peep. Lol. Should know what i'm trying to link up. Sik derr awek cun la.. *fainted*
Drank lots of beer and it finally 'contributed' me lil blur-ing and giddy, its distract me but managed to overpower it and sent my friends to their house safely and so does myself. *Omgsh* Went back approximately 1.30am after ''forced'' by my dad with a shortgun over my head because it wasn't a custmany for me to be back such ''early'' . Hahahaha!! Mum was waited for me last night (wasn't it considered as morning?),love ya mum! *cheers* Phone beeped and friends asked whether got home yet or not. *10s*
Got home+Showerd+ Drinking Coffee(my favourite apparently) but straight to my room and died on my bed,it lasted only awhile as i overcomed my drowziness for online.Was exhausted physically and mentally.
"David Archuleta Live in KL"

Tell me why , you're so hard to.....
comelnyer david archuleta pakei sampen!! hehe
Yup yup fren.. really kiut tho.. U like him too nyway..?
yearh!! i luv him...hehe =D
Same taste.. Good good! Haha..
he is not handsome okay.....the songs are okay only... enrique is more better......
U're blind urself.. He is fucking cute and ensem just like me.. !!*blek*
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