Having difficulty in sleeping so i woke up and read my E-Commerce notes miraculously. Should not make it sound as how things happened miraculously,cuz i have to admit that i am an inveterate compulsive noctural being more active at night and i'm doing things nocturnally [maybe?]! *Cant help* Reproduction now i am. I'm still bury-ing myself now with a stock of notes but someone took my last chapter's note. Sue you ar.. *Jian chin* And Good Luck wei to Uols who gonna sit for D finals... Naturally, Chun li also. *Blinks*
I need something to motivate myself now and i have no idea what's d motivation i want by now!
This is my result's slip. Hope i can do well again in this sem. Dont fail in any single subj!!!

I Hate you....abbreviations!!!
Be careful i tell you...
all 4 flat???
itu dasat meh!!
all the best for more to come.. =D
Thanks.. But its enough for me if i can pass all my subj this semester. Pray for it.. some of it are kinda hard to get in flying colour!!
what ur secret?
owh no!
separuh kacak tu bermaksud x berapa kacak.. ngaaa!
no need to study so hard....wait u get stress ah...u will get A, i will pray for u....
ok, will pray for you =)
Miss lolly: Lucky is my secret kot..
Need to eat my book and swallow my notes as well!
Wat're u taKing by now? Wow,so bad la u.. hahah!! he's not ensem enough for you? lol
Hsiang Ting: I'll never get stress. I'm playing with laptop now wat!.. Yup,u're d one should get all the A's? *che wah* + *Jian chin* lol... jk
Ayie: Thanks gurl. nyawy,u're now off to ur uni atmosphere dy?
waa..got all A meh??
u must treat me to go out and makan2..haha..
celebrating ur results mee..(^_^)
thanks for ur wish..
BonBon: Hye,u sound it as if u're not believe so with it? lol... What la you!! Well,U're welcoming treat me once u finished ur finals as well. I'd investigation and choose first where to eat! *swt*.. I wanna eat fried dragon!!
Duke Luke Dell'amore: Okie.. its alright! Do well yea.. lol.
die x cukup encem la..
separuh kacak~
gudluck ya!
Not H'sem enough..? Who're you refers to? Hahaha..
My finals start at next next week till d middle May!
and Urs..?
uv been tagged by bro ifin~
Ifin: Done it for u dy bro.. lol! Killing my brain cell alots. *joking*
yea..back in college. =)
Youls.... Cant be too enjoy dy since u need to put more energyy on ur studies.. isn't it? lol..
smart guy...
keep it up bro! ;)
Thanks bro.. I'm lucky more than smart indeed. haha!!
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