Nothing went wrong throughout d whole day but lil disappointed and feel like dying. It's Obviously and can't smiles like previous days as i was kinda happy with something and felt kinda sweet. All out of sudden,changed dramatically.
Am extravagantly concerned someone's feeling and so does life. Never been such lifeless. I'm a stupid one. Was totally tongue-tied and i don't know wat else i could say and ...
Currently uninspired. Turned off d songs that i almost played nocturnally,which could remind me of her.
Truth be told,sadness was slowly flowing into my brain. I pumped up full of vitamins and ya, i was on account of all the seriousness. But i really can't get thing out of my mind. It seem problematic isn't it?
Am intruder who trying to enter someone's life with knowingly she have him and the result was, i couldn't fetch myself out promptly and i wondered how can i find a way to get out from there? I'm not such that fearless. Am a ne'er-do-well kind. Should i unmask henceforth?Am nitwit. I can't forget this all nonchalantly. Totally CANNOT!

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