30 April, 2009

My extraordinary week.

It was a tough week for me. Seriously and honestly, it was hard. Exam is like less than 85 hours. Well, I haven't been properly online this few days. I was pretty much busy or preoccupied with my revision. My notes are shouting at me right now''Read Me''!!
Truth be told, I've miscalculated lotsa of things in my life. Something that I never thought it would happen but it happened just like the way they are. And i've really no idea what to do. I need studying, Do you wanna fucking fail this semester?But who knows u'll?

Quotes: Better don't put high hopes or I shall be unable to bear with the disappointment ahead!
p/s: I should take note!!!!

Busy with my finals exam. So i've been burying myself in notes, kicked my ass off. Really! I’m so frigging pissed off right now.

Nothing but studying for my finals and continues my essay writing. Feel so lethargic. See, May already. It's really amazing how fast time flies inconspicuously. *bastard*

Macro's essay. Unemployment.. Fiscal Policies... Monetary Policies...
My essay. I need to get done!!
My stock of notes. ...

Kinda cranky by now and feel lie dead zombie. Guess what, i couldn't control myself from not watching the important football match. And everything was worth it due to Manchester United won ultimately. I was so damn freakin excited about it.
Should familiar with this picture since u're my friend!! Isn't it?

I've tone of frustrations by now. Problems seemed to evoke dynamically. It assassinated my spirit at once. I know. I shouldn't have them. My finals are kicking in. I need to put my 100% concentration into my studies and obviously I'm jealous. I'm jealousy when she treats him nicely. I tried t endure the pain. I try! But studies always distract me and I secretly love it. It helps to make myself not to think too much.

I know.. Life is just like a test. We're born into a situation to learn a lesson.

04.05.2009 Human Resource Management
11.05.2009 Macroeconomic
14.05.2009 Marketing Management
14.05.2009 Electronic Commerce

This is my finals schedule. I'll do well. Hopefully!


CikLukis said...

u have nice handwriting.
btw, goodie lucky muchie!! hehe

Anonymous said...

i just realised u have anice handwritng when puteriayiee told about it. huhuhu... so, hrm, macro, marketing and e-commerce huh? are u a commerce or biz student? anyways, good luck for ur finals. seems like u have some gap between each paper. so, well u'll have some time to revise during the gaps.

cheers from down under

Gazy said...

How u know my handwtg is nice..? lol... Its quite ugly la..!! Tankiut my fren... Hahaha!!

Gazy said...

Mr am:
What is ur true name..? Or i just call u as Am? lol..
Yup,but d last 2people is killing me!! Hahaha..
Thanks for d compliment! I'm business student. U..?

joegrimjow said...

wanna t shirt man u??
check it out

Mel said...

oh God...u havent start exam yet....huhuhu...i tag u... if u want to answer..if u r too busy....its okay...huhuhu

miss lolly a.k.a luvfareda said...


go GAZY go!


Gazy said...

joegrimjow : Sell jersey ka..? lol..

Mel: Yup.. not starting yet but next next day will my first day!!

Gazy said...

Lolly: Thanks fren. How bout urs? Finised?

kidO.yingchaO said...

errr, found ur blog page, either from wan jun's or sannie's, can't remember. XD

Jiayou for ur studies yea ^^

Gazy said...

kidO.yingchaO: Thanks anyway!! lol... Yup,am exam-ing 2mrw!