21 April, 2009

Tag From Ifin..

I'll answering those question in malay or english since its asked in Bahasa!
1.apekah tndakan anda bile tdnga bunyi kilat atau petir?
Jauhkan hanpone kot,pastu jeritan from mama ''OFFkan ASTRO tu!!''

2.reaksi anda bile org mngutuk anda?
Cerminkan luk muker korg ,klu xder cermin i blikan..

3.reaksi anda bile tjmpe artis kgemaran anda?
Nak buat cam t'kejut kejap pastu gambar ngan dia scra dekat2

4.maxis or celcom?which one you prefer?
Entah? Aku Digi's user!

5.nyatakan 3 bad habit anda.
i) Lembut ati... ii) Coffee lover... iii) Lupak off Tv waktu midnight,T'tido bah!

6.ape yang anda akan lakukan jika org lain sibuk akan hal anda?
Nak kemek ker muka ko?

7.adekah anda mmpunyai rmai pminat?
Mungkin kot... kan baek ati pastu kiut! [Joking jak,biaser nyer org ckap i muker hodoh jer. Hahaha]

8.honestly,what do you like bout urself?
K'pintaran i, stupidness, pastu rasa sayang yg ada t'hadap family i.

9.what is your heigt and weight?
Approximately 170cm and 53kg. Cukup dah nie! Standard i would say!

10.ape reaksi anda apabila anda tkentut dgn kuat/busuk di khalayak rmai?
Susah nak bygkan la, i xpenah pun!


p/s:I might not answer for sudden questions,don't want to recall back those unhappy memories of mine. Sorry!!

1.state the date you have declared wif your 1st couple.
2.adekah anda akan trus bhbung dgn your bf/gf jika anda suda clash?
Maybe or may not. Klu bf dia tu ngak suka dia sms ngan laki lain,biarkan lah,susahkan dia nnt!

3.ape yang akn anda lakukan bile anda mrndui bf/gf anda?
4.adekah anda mmprcyei bf/gf anda sratos pratos?

5.how was your first date wif your couple?

6.adekah anda rase bf/gf anda seorg yang pndai memujuk?
7.ape reaksi anda dan ape yang anda lakukan apabile kredit bf/gf anda dhabiskan utk org len?
8.what are you going to do when your besties hav a relationship wif your ex?
9.adekah anda akn mnelefon bf/gf anda apabila dsuruh oleh bf/gf anda?
No,i'll do it when i want to do. Tak suker d'kkong!

10.ape reaksi anda bile mndpt tahu bf/gf anda msih bhubung dgn ex mreka?
Klu kwn biasa2 tu leh la,if not pun buat bodoh jer.Tak nak hilangkan dia. [pikiran yg stupid pd masa dulu,not for current]

p/s: Everyone seems busy with their preparation for final exam so i'll not going to Tag my 'victims'! lol...


AkuAyie said...

lol..ur mom like mine.

but she goes "tutup computer!"

Gazy said...

Haha.. ur pc must On from 24/7.. lol!!

Boniface Paul Banta said...

AkuAyie n Gazy: We r having d same mom kot..
my mom keep on nagging me to switch off d tv, hp or the radio whenever i have not yet done with it.. Bengang tol la wei..

Gazy said...

Its normal stuff la fren to keep us away frm dangerous, wasn't it? Hahaha... I'll just off my TV. Cell phone..? No way la,who care? lOLO... Mr Bon finished ur finals yet?

Boniface Paul Banta said...

not yet finished my final la Mr Gazy..

Gazy said...

Yup.. still have it anyway. On 10.05.2009!! I know. haha...